From Renewable
Energy Source
- Reduced Carbon Footprints
- Enhanced Green Profile
- Increased Brand Positivity
- BCA Green Mark
- Be part of COP21
Let’s start doing our part
for the environment today!
The Soft Launch
With the soft launch of OEM+ set to be in April 2018, households and businesses in Jurong can opt to buy electricity from a retailer with a price plan that best suit their needs. The soft launch will cover areas that have postal codes starting with 60, 61, 62, 63 and 64. Consumers whose premises are involved in the soft launch will be notified by EMA in Q1 2018.
OEM (Open Electricity Market)
In the second half of 2018, the remaining 1.3 million accounts (i.e. the whole of Singapore), mainly households, will also enjoy choice and flexibility in their electricity purchase.

No Setup Fees
No Meter Changes
No Relocation Charges
Friendly Contract Terms
A Clean Energy plan tailored for businesses of any size to power their operations with solar energy.
– 30% of your total power consumtion will be from a renewable energy source
– Fixed % discounts from the published SP Rate OR
– Lock in your prices for 1 or 2 years ahead
– Ideal for customers whom are looking to adopt clean energy & save at the same time
Guaranteed discounts from the SP tariff every month, regardless of fluctuating market prices
– Fixed % discounts from the published SP rate
– Savings for your business every month
– Ideal for customers who do not wish to monitor the electricity market
Our in-house plan designed to provide the best value every quarter, lowering your energy expenses during off-peak hours*
– Biggest savings from the SP tariff
– Competitive day and night prices, allowing you to lower your expenses during off-peak hours
– Option to switch to EcoSave anytime with an 18% discount
* Day hours: 7am – 7pm
* Night hours: 7pm – 7am
Enjoy a fixed rate for the entire duration of your plan, making it easy for your to plan your overheads
– Lock in your prices for 1 or 2 years ahead
– Protects your from fluctuating energy prices
– Ideal if you are looking for price certainty